

Personal Work



Sexism isn’t limited to individual actions, it’s become an environment of permanence. 

Centuries of gender stereotypes are now so culturally ingrained they’ve become normalised to the point of universal acceptance, creating unconscious biases and standards for the way a woman or a man should look, act, think and behave. 

Boys and young men are expected to betray their better natures, to smother their consciences, to renounce the best of themselves and submit to something low and mean. As if there’s only one way to be a man, one valid way to play that ‘role’. These societal expectations of what it means to be a ‘man’ have led to unhealthy attitudes towards women. 

'Toxic Masculinity' is a self-exploratory project that questions what it means to be a man in today's society, and what negative attachments that comes with in terms of the way we view women. 

This series of images compel the viewer to derive meaning by unconsciously attaching their own pre-established stereotypes. The intention is to challenge the viewer to redefine their interpretation of gender roles and stop defining sexism as a women’s issue.